Los pronósticos más recientes respecto de la enfermedad de Parkinson resultan sorprendentes. Si estos vaticinios son certeros, debemos admitir que estamos al borde de una inminente pandemia. Resulta aterrador ver como en los países más poblados, el número de personas con Parkinson se duplicará hasta llegar a los 30 millones en el año 2030. Tal vez se antojan increíbles estas estadísticas crecientes; no obstante, son plenamente reales, ya que obedecen a una mayor expectativa de vida de la población. En efecto, la edad, es un factor de riesgo innegable e inevitable en el desarrollo de la enfermedad de Parkinson. Así, a mayor expectativa de vida, será mayor el número de enfermos. Dicho de otro modo, si todos viviéramos hasta los 100 años, es probable que desarrolláramos la enfermedad de Parkinson, lo cual generaría una crisis mundial.
En mis viajes por el mundo como Director Médico de la Fundación Nacional de Parkinson, he conocido tanto a personas afectadas por este padecimiento, cuanto a sus parientes y amigos. Una de las preguntas más frecuentes es “¿qué debo hacer para mejorar mi vida y la de mis allegados?” Para satisfacer la sed de conocimiento de todas estas personas, decidí escribir este libro, a fin de compartir todos estos secretos para vivir feliz a pesar de la enfermedad de Parkinson. Para ello, coadyuvaron nuestros colegas y médicos en formación, quienes generosamente tradujeron estas páginas a varios idiomas.
Internationally renowned as both a neurologist and a leading researcher, Dr. Okun has been referred to as, “the voice of the Parkinson’s disease patient.” He has an international following on the National Parkinson Foundation’s Ask the Doctor web-forum. His many books and internet blog posts are brimming with up-to date and extremely practical information. He has a talent for infusing his readers with positivity and optimism. In his current book, he unmasks the important secrets applicable to every Parkinson’s disease patient. For some sufferers the secrets have translated into walking again, for others they have restored voices, and for many they have resulted in the lifting of a depression, anxiety and desperation cloud.
"There isn't any joking with Dr. Okun about the 10 Secrets for a Happier Life in Parkinson's disease. This book is a critical resource for Parkinson's disease patients and families from around the world who speak different languages, but suffer from very similar and often disabling symptoms." –Muhammad Ali
The book addresses current Parkinson’s disease issues and also details emerging therapies (DBS, stem cells, vaccines, gene therapy, optogenetics). Okun masterfully breaks down all of the science into an easy to follow and pleasurable reading experience. Parkinson’s Treatment: 10 Secrets to a Happier Life is available in over 20 language translations, and also in an audio version. Dr. Okun has truly helped thousands of Parkinson’s disease patients and families discover the core values necessary to achieve happiness despite living with a chronic disease.
En mis viajes por el mundo como Director Médico de la Fundación Nacional de Parkinson, he conocido tanto a personas afectadas por este padecimiento, cuanto a sus parientes y amigos. Una de las preguntas más frecuentes es “¿qué debo hacer para mejorar mi vida y la de mis allegados?” Para satisfacer la sed de conocimiento de todas estas personas, decidí escribir este libro, a fin de compartir todos estos secretos para vivir feliz a pesar de la enfermedad de Parkinson. Para ello, coadyuvaron nuestros colegas y médicos en formación, quienes generosamente tradujeron estas páginas a varios idiomas.
Internationally renowned as both a neurologist and a leading researcher, Dr. Okun has been referred to as, “the voice of the Parkinson’s disease patient.” He has an international following on the National Parkinson Foundation’s Ask the Doctor web-forum. His many books and internet blog posts are brimming with up-to date and extremely practical information. He has a talent for infusing his readers with positivity and optimism. In his current book, he unmasks the important secrets applicable to every Parkinson’s disease patient. For some sufferers the secrets have translated into walking again, for others they have restored voices, and for many they have resulted in the lifting of a depression, anxiety and desperation cloud.
"There isn't any joking with Dr. Okun about the 10 Secrets for a Happier Life in Parkinson's disease. This book is a critical resource for Parkinson's disease patients and families from around the world who speak different languages, but suffer from very similar and often disabling symptoms." –Muhammad Ali
The book addresses current Parkinson’s disease issues and also details emerging therapies (DBS, stem cells, vaccines, gene therapy, optogenetics). Okun masterfully breaks down all of the science into an easy to follow and pleasurable reading experience. Parkinson’s Treatment: 10 Secrets to a Happier Life is available in over 20 language translations, and also in an audio version. Dr. Okun has truly helped thousands of Parkinson’s disease patients and families discover the core values necessary to achieve happiness despite living with a chronic disease.