Culture, leadership and the ability to change determine organizational performance... But 75% of Organizational Change programs fail - being too conceptual, organization wide and command-and-control like. Change consultant Marcella Bremer got frustrated and developed this pragmatic 21st Century approach to organizational culture, change and leadership.
The starting point for change is the validated Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument based on the Competing Values Framework by Cameron and Quinn.
Next, engage in OCAI-workshops or Change Circles to develop vital change: that is personal and focused on specific behaviors in peer groups of 10 coworkers.
Copy, Coach and Correct each other to Be the change and Lead the way!
This book is a pragmatic user’s guide to organizational culture change.
Learn the best practices from a change consultant and unleash your organization, too!
The starting point for change is the validated Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument based on the Competing Values Framework by Cameron and Quinn.
Next, engage in OCAI-workshops or Change Circles to develop vital change: that is personal and focused on specific behaviors in peer groups of 10 coworkers.
Copy, Coach and Correct each other to Be the change and Lead the way!
This book is a pragmatic user’s guide to organizational culture change.
Learn the best practices from a change consultant and unleash your organization, too!