«Encuentros, desencuentros, paradojas, revelaciones... instantes que arrastran pequeñas aglomeraciones de polvo y suciedad. El roce con las cosas y entre los seres desprende pequeñas partículas de pelusa, igual que la combustión libera energía. En ocasiones, algunos fragmentos se nos quedan pegados sin que lo advirtamos. Otras los transmitimos, los perdemos, los redescubrimos, los confundimos. El tiempo y el azar los transforman en atolones, formando una extensión nueva, adosada a nuestro cuerpo, capaz de comunicar con él por cauces extraños y desconocidos. Su existencia microscópica, en fin, nos perturba sin saberlo: placeres sobrevenidos, pensamientos nuevos, subidones de tristeza, bajones de euforia... Pelusas calcáreas que se acumulan formando atolones de vivencias, protegidas del olvido, hechas de olvido».
«Encounters, missed, paradoxes, revelations ... moments that drag small clumps of dust and dirt. The touch with things and between living off small particles of lint, as combustion releases energy. Occasionally, some fragments we get stuck without notice it. Other the pass, we lose, the rediscovered, confuse them. The time and chance transform them into atolls, forming a new extension, attached to our body, able to communicate with him by strange and unknown channels. Microscopic existence, in short, it disturbs us without knowing it: pleasures occurring, new thoughts, sad highs, lows of euphoria ... Lint that accumulate to form limestone atolls experience, protected from oblivion, made of forgetting».
«Encounters, missed, paradoxes, revelations ... moments that drag small clumps of dust and dirt. The touch with things and between living off small particles of lint, as combustion releases energy. Occasionally, some fragments we get stuck without notice it. Other the pass, we lose, the rediscovered, confuse them. The time and chance transform them into atolls, forming a new extension, attached to our body, able to communicate with him by strange and unknown channels. Microscopic existence, in short, it disturbs us without knowing it: pleasures occurring, new thoughts, sad highs, lows of euphoria ... Lint that accumulate to form limestone atolls experience, protected from oblivion, made of forgetting».