Give Your Children the Healthy Benefits of Yoga with this Kids Yoga Stories Beach Story!
¡Únete a la Aventura de Lucas en la Playa! Salta como un canguro, reposa como una gaviota y descansa como una estrella de mar mientras recorres este viaje en una playa de la costa este australiana. ¿Qué más podrías ver? ¡Aprende algo nuevo, explora tus movimientos y diviértete!
Includes List of Kids Yoga poses and a Parent-Teacher Guide. Learn something new, explore movement, and have fun together!
Kids Yoga Stories introduce you to engaging characters who will get your child laughing, moving, and creating. Reading is good for the mind AND body! The story links several yoga poses in a specific sequence to create a coherent and meaningful story.
This book for ages 3 to 7 is more than a storybook, but it's also a unique experience for children.
This book is the Spanish version of Luke's Beach Day.