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    Bruce Lee: The Art of Expressing the Human Body (Bruce Lee Library)

    Por Bruce Lee

    ¿Qué piensas sobre este eBook?

    Acerca de este libro electrónico

    Learn the secrets to obtaining Bruce Lee's astounding physique with this insightful martial arts training book.

    The Art of Expressing the Human Body, a title coined by Bruce Lee himself to describe his approach to martial arts, documents the techniques he used so effectively to perfect his body for superior health and muscularity.

    Beyond his martial arts and acting abilities, Lee's physical appearance and strength were truly astounding. He achieved this through an intensive and ever-evolving conditioning regime that is being revealed for the first time in this book.

    Drawing on Lee's own notes, letters, diaries and training logs, Bruce Lee historian John Little presents the full extent of Lee's unique training methods including nutrition, aerobics, isometrics, stretching and weight training.

    In addition to serving as a record of Bruce Lee's own training, The Art of Expressing the Human Body, with its easy-to-understand and simple-to-follow training routines, is a valuable source book for those who seek dramatic improvement in their health, conditioning, physical fitness, and appearance.
    Descargar eBook Link updated in 2017
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