Invest nothing but 30 minutes of your time and learn how to make money for a lifetime.
How people like you and I, with no previous financial background or experience, can consistently make profits in the market?
Speculation (trading and investing) is undoubtedly one of the hardest professions in the world. They require unparalleled focus, discipline, confidence, and conviction, while being able to be flexible at all times, no exception.
However, too many courses and books offer theories and fluffs with zero practicality. In the process, the courses and books fail to explain trading in the simplest manner so that a child can understand.
Remember what John Tuld (the evil financial CEO from the movie Margin Call said to his trading analyst: "Please, speak as you might to a young child, or a golden retriever."
This book can be your simplest and easiest guide to make profits trading. No fluff, no bullsh*t, no trading or financial experiences required. We'll explore:
1) Why stock market, despite does always go up, still causes people to lose their money.
2) How the stock market does really operate.
3) The one thing you must do to risk less without reducing your potential profits.
4) The one mental shift required to make profits trading.
5) The one trading system that cut down your time in front of your computer monitors, reduce your capital risks, and optimize your profits.
BONUS: If you enjoy the work of William O' Neill, Peter Lynch, or Jack D. Schwager, you will find this book complementary to the works of those market legends.
Trading is not equivalent to gambling. It is not like flipping a coin in which you have 50-50 chance to win (head or tail). This one book intends to simplify trading so everyone will HAVE A SHOT to success.
Stop losing your own money and start your own trading business instead! This book will teach you how to do it better.