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    Original Art Deco Allover Patterns (Dover Pictorial Archive)

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    Original Art Deco Allover Patterns (Dover Pictorial Archive)

    Por William Rowe

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    The stylized geometric forms of Art Deco continue to be extremely popular with today's artists, designers, and craftspeople. In this highly useful archive, William Rowe interprets this streamlined decorative style in his own unique way. The artist's wit and inventiveness pervade a wealth of artfully arranged circles, squares, triangles, and other geometric shapes.
    This book is really two books in one: a striking collection of royalty-free ready-to-use graphics, as well as a helpful guide, offering visual suggestions on how to adapt, develop, and vary designs. Mr. Rowe first presents a full-page design, then, on the opposite page, displays variants of the design. You'll find a total of 59 fascinating patterns in all — ideal for use in textile, wallpaper, stationery, packaging, and a host of other graphic design projects.
    Descargar eBook Link updated in 2017
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