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    Principles of Digital Image Processing: Core Algorithms (Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science)

    Por Wilhelm Burger

    ¿Qué piensas sobre este eBook?

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    This easy-to-follow textbook is the second of 3 volumes which provide a modern, algorithmic introduction to digital image processing, designed to be used both by learners desiring a firm foundation on which to build, and practitioners in search of critical analysis and modern implementations of the most important techniques. It extends the introductory material presented in the first volume (Fundamental Techniques) with additional techniques that form part of the standard image processing toolbox. The textbook presents a critical selection of algorithms, illustrated explanations and concise mathematical derivations, for readers to gain a deeper understanding of the topic. It also encourages the reader to actively construct and experiment with the algorithms to develop their understanding for how to use these methods in the real world.This reader-friendly text will equip undergraduates with a deeper understanding of the topic as well as being valuable for further developing knowledge for self-study.
    Descargar eBook Link updated in 2017
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