The multimedia courseware provides tutorial work on sampling, basic statistics, and techniques for seeking information from databases and other sources. The statistics modules can be used as either part of a detective games or directly in teaching and learning. Brief video lessons in SPSS, using real datasets, are also a feature of the CD-ROM.
Why would you choose Introduction to Quantitative Research Methods
- It is theoretical, providing a concise overview of issues of quantitative research.
- It is practical, providing case studies that exemplify the different ways of research is conducted in the social sciences (ranging from psychology to sociology, politics and media).
- It is educational, providing practical vignettes, and chapter highlights for revision.
- It is integrative, producing a typology of different ways of conducting quantitative research methods.
- It is international, providing case studies from a range of countries.
- It is innovative, providing multimedia tutorials on generic research and statistical skills.
- It is clear, concise and accessible.