Los ocho capítulos que conforman este libro tratan sobre el desarrollo del profesorado, y se incluyen los siguientes temas: el desarrollo y mantenimiento de sus habilidades; la aplicación de la práctica reflexiva; el desarrollo de habilidades de pensamiento y el fomento de la autonomía de los estudiantes en la enseñanza del Inglés como lengua extranjera; la realización de investigaciones educativas; el desarrollo de técnicas de evaluación; la comprensión y la corrección de los errores de los alumnos; y la preparación para el prácticum. Cada capítulo incluye tareas para consolidar la información, así como actividades de evaluación más exhaustivas.
The eight chapters in this book address the question of teacher development, including maintaining and developing teacher skills; applying reflective teacher practice; developing thinking skills and fostering student autonomy in ELT; carrying out educational research; developing assessment techniques; understanding and correcting students' errors and preparing for your Practicum. Each chapter includes tasks for consolidating the information and more extensive assessment tasks.
Temas centrales:
Maintainingand Developing Professional Skills. Reflective Practice: Assessing Ourselves as Teachers o Research Methods in Second Language Acquisition. Guidelines for Error Correction in the EFL Classroom. TeachingThinkingSkills in Foreign Language Learning. Exploring Language LearnerAutonomy in the Context of ELT. IntroducingLanguage AssessmentandTesting. Practicum.
The eight chapters in this book address the question of teacher development, including maintaining and developing teacher skills; applying reflective teacher practice; developing thinking skills and fostering student autonomy in ELT; carrying out educational research; developing assessment techniques; understanding and correcting students' errors and preparing for your Practicum. Each chapter includes tasks for consolidating the information and more extensive assessment tasks.
Temas centrales:
Maintainingand Developing Professional Skills. Reflective Practice: Assessing Ourselves as Teachers o Research Methods in Second Language Acquisition. Guidelines for Error Correction in the EFL Classroom. TeachingThinkingSkills in Foreign Language Learning. Exploring Language LearnerAutonomy in the Context of ELT. IntroducingLanguage AssessmentandTesting. Practicum.