Interesante aproximación al enigma de la Atlántida, puesto en relación por el autor con las Islas Canarias, una de las localizaciones que de forma más insistente se han propuesto para el legendario continente. El libro analiza el mito, las singularidades geológicas y arqueológicas del archipiélago y ahonda en una Atlántida "climática" y geológicamente plausible en las inmediaciones de Canarias hace al menos 8.500 años.
Atlantis at the Canary Islands
Interesting approximation to the Atlantis enigma, connected by the author with the Canary Islands, one of the most insistely proposed locations for the legendary continent. The book analyzes the myth; the geological and archaeological singularities of the archipelago focusing on a “climatologically” Atlantis geologically possible very close to the shores of the islands, at least 8.500 years ago.
Atlantis at the Canary Islands
Interesting approximation to the Atlantis enigma, connected by the author with the Canary Islands, one of the most insistely proposed locations for the legendary continent. The book analyzes the myth; the geological and archaeological singularities of the archipelago focusing on a “climatologically” Atlantis geologically possible very close to the shores of the islands, at least 8.500 years ago.