"ADD: The 20-Hour Solution explains" how EEG biofeedback (neurofeedback) addresses the underlying problem and characteristics of ADD and ADHD, so that symptoms resolve and tangible improvement results. This book describes the method by which we can improve the brain's ability to pay attention and regulate its behavior. It explains the self-healing capacities of the human brain and how it can learn or re-learn the self-regulatory mechanisms that are basic to its normal design and function. This book shows: What ADD really is and how the brain maintains self-regulation. How and why EEG biofeedback (neurofeedback) helps people with ADD. What parents can do to get their child on-track to healthy adjustment and development. How to talk to doctors, therapists, teachers, and others about ADD. Good assessment procedures and how they contribute to effective treatment. How self-control, personal choice, and responsibility for one's behavior relate to scientific principles of brain functioning. How to find appropriate resources and get started with neurotherapy. The book also lists specific up-to-date resources on where to find information on EEG neurofeedback and how to find providers throughout the world.
ABOUT THE AUTHORS: Dr. Mark Steinberg, a Licensed Psychologist and Educational Psychologist who heals and remediates attentional, behavioral, emotional, and learning difficulties with children, adolescents, and adults for about 35 years. Learning and development can be precious, nurturing, and satisfying experiences throughout life. Dr. Steinberg offers Mental Fitness programs to people of all ages. Voted the Best Therapist of 2000 by Bay Area Parent Magazine readers! He specializes in clinical, educational, and neuropsychology. Dr. Steinberg has made numerous appearances nationally on television and radio, including TV appearances on ABC, NBC, CBS, and FOX. He is the author of the popular book, ADD: The 20-Hour Solution and the forthcoming book, Living Intact: Challenge and Choice in Tough Times. He is consulted as a medical expert by NBC, and has won local and statewide awards.
Since 1988, Siegfried Othmer has been engaged in research and the management of the clinical applications of EEG biofeedback. He is currently Chief Scientist of the EEG Institute at the Brian Othmer Foundation. He provides training for professionals in EEG biofeedback, and presents research findings in professional forums. Since 1985, he has been involved in the development of computerized instrumentation to provide EEG biofeedback training.
NINE FIVE-STAR (5-star) Reviews on this book:
A welcome alternative approach to treating ADD/ADHD:
This book is an outstanding, articulate and heartwarming presentation of AD/HD and the problems it presents to those who have it and their families. More importantly, it also describes the frequently astonishingly successful impact of EEG biofeedback in treating the disorder.
Outstanding Resource
The best presentation of ADD neurofeedback for parents
Excellent Book - Parents, Teachers, Health Care Workeres SHOULD have this book.
Well written and documented:
"The pluses of EEG biofeedback training in treating ADD/ADHD children are extensive. This quick and painless treatment:
- Provides a viable alternative to psychotropic medication
- Trains children to self-regulate naturally and safely
- Trains children to adjust automatically to changing demands and conditions
- Emancipates children from continually professional supervision
- Creates a synergistic effect that can help other treatments work more effectively
- Permits parents to become involved directly in the treatment process"
Easy to read, great guide for ADD / ADHD patients, their parents, or medical practitioners!
ABOUT THE AUTHORS: Dr. Mark Steinberg, a Licensed Psychologist and Educational Psychologist who heals and remediates attentional, behavioral, emotional, and learning difficulties with children, adolescents, and adults for about 35 years. Learning and development can be precious, nurturing, and satisfying experiences throughout life. Dr. Steinberg offers Mental Fitness programs to people of all ages. Voted the Best Therapist of 2000 by Bay Area Parent Magazine readers! He specializes in clinical, educational, and neuropsychology. Dr. Steinberg has made numerous appearances nationally on television and radio, including TV appearances on ABC, NBC, CBS, and FOX. He is the author of the popular book, ADD: The 20-Hour Solution and the forthcoming book, Living Intact: Challenge and Choice in Tough Times. He is consulted as a medical expert by NBC, and has won local and statewide awards.
Since 1988, Siegfried Othmer has been engaged in research and the management of the clinical applications of EEG biofeedback. He is currently Chief Scientist of the EEG Institute at the Brian Othmer Foundation. He provides training for professionals in EEG biofeedback, and presents research findings in professional forums. Since 1985, he has been involved in the development of computerized instrumentation to provide EEG biofeedback training.
NINE FIVE-STAR (5-star) Reviews on this book:
A welcome alternative approach to treating ADD/ADHD:
This book is an outstanding, articulate and heartwarming presentation of AD/HD and the problems it presents to those who have it and their families. More importantly, it also describes the frequently astonishingly successful impact of EEG biofeedback in treating the disorder.
Outstanding Resource
The best presentation of ADD neurofeedback for parents
Excellent Book - Parents, Teachers, Health Care Workeres SHOULD have this book.
Well written and documented:
"The pluses of EEG biofeedback training in treating ADD/ADHD children are extensive. This quick and painless treatment:
- Provides a viable alternative to psychotropic medication
- Trains children to self-regulate naturally and safely
- Trains children to adjust automatically to changing demands and conditions
- Emancipates children from continually professional supervision
- Creates a synergistic effect that can help other treatments work more effectively
- Permits parents to become involved directly in the treatment process"
Easy to read, great guide for ADD / ADHD patients, their parents, or medical practitioners!