Table of Contents
1. In the Classroom (a l'aula)
2. Greetings and Farewells (les salutacions i els comiats)
3. Introductions and the Family (les presentacions i la família)
4. The Verb to be (ser) and Professions
5. Countries and Languages (els països i els idiomes)
6. Cities (les ciutats)
7. Describing People and Clothing (la gent, la roba i els colors)
8. Numbers, Days and Dates (nombres, dies, mesos i dates)
9. Telling Time (l'hora)
10. Activities and Places (les activitats i els llocs)
11. Talking about the Weather (el temps)
12. The Human Body (el cos humà)
13. Food and Drink (els aliments i les begudes)
14. Feelings and Conditions (els sentiments i les condicions)
15. Some Regular Verbs in English
16. Some Irregular Verbs in English
17. Verb Forms and Constructions
18. A, An, Any, Some, Other, Another
19. Forming the Plural
20. Verb Forms in English
1. In the Classroom (a l'aula)
2. Greetings and Farewells (les salutacions i els comiats)
3. Introductions and the Family (les presentacions i la família)
4. The Verb to be (ser) and Professions
5. Countries and Languages (els països i els idiomes)
6. Cities (les ciutats)
7. Describing People and Clothing (la gent, la roba i els colors)
8. Numbers, Days and Dates (nombres, dies, mesos i dates)
9. Telling Time (l'hora)
10. Activities and Places (les activitats i els llocs)
11. Talking about the Weather (el temps)
12. The Human Body (el cos humà)
13. Food and Drink (els aliments i les begudes)
14. Feelings and Conditions (els sentiments i les condicions)
15. Some Regular Verbs in English
16. Some Irregular Verbs in English
17. Verb Forms and Constructions
18. A, An, Any, Some, Other, Another
19. Forming the Plural
20. Verb Forms in English