IN this book, the editors offer reading material which will give the student some idea of the history of Argentina, of her great men, of her development since the dawn of independence, and of her wonderful possibilities, as shown in Blasco Ibáñez’s Con Rumbo a la Esperanza.
The choice of material has necessarily been restricted, but within that limited field, the editors have selected what was representative and typical and best adapted to the purpose in view.
The book has been arranged to suit the needs of third-year high school work, or second-year college Spanish. It was taken for granted that the student would be familiar with the underlying principles of Spanish grammar before taking up this book; and yet, grammatical explanations have been given wherever they were deemed necessary, and translations of difficult passages have been suggested. The Introduction gives a brief historical sketch of Argentina, which will furnish a background on which to locate the specific events related in the book. Considerable detailed information concerning the authors represented and the institutions and customs of Argentina and her people will be found in the Biographical Notes and in the annotations to the selections.
The choice of material has necessarily been restricted, but within that limited field, the editors have selected what was representative and typical and best adapted to the purpose in view.
The book has been arranged to suit the needs of third-year high school work, or second-year college Spanish. It was taken for granted that the student would be familiar with the underlying principles of Spanish grammar before taking up this book; and yet, grammatical explanations have been given wherever they were deemed necessary, and translations of difficult passages have been suggested. The Introduction gives a brief historical sketch of Argentina, which will furnish a background on which to locate the specific events related in the book. Considerable detailed information concerning the authors represented and the institutions and customs of Argentina and her people will be found in the Biographical Notes and in the annotations to the selections.