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    Business Intelligence For Dummies

    Por Swain Scheps

    ¿Qué piensas sobre este eBook?

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    You're intelligent, right? So you've already figured out that Business Intelligence can be pretty valuable in making the right decisions about your business. But you’ve heard at least a dozen definitions of what it is, and heard of at least that many BI tools. Where do you start?

    Business Intelligence For Dummies makes BI understandable! It takes you step by step through the technologies and the alphabet soup, so you can choose the right technology and implement a successful BI environment. You'll see how the applications and technologies work together to access, analyze, and present data that you can use to make better decisions about your products, customers, competitors, and more.

    You’ll find out how to:

    • Understand the principles and practical elements of BI
    • Determine what your business needs
    • Compare different approaches to BI
    • Build a solid BI architecture and roadmap
    • Design, develop, and deploy your BI plan
    • Relate BI to data warehousing, ERP, CRM, and e-commerce
    • Analyze emerging trends and developing BI tools to see what else may be useful

    Whether you’re the business owner or the person charged with developing and implementing a BI strategy, checking out Business Intelligence For Dummies is a good business decision.

    Descargar eBook Link updated in 2017
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