Through a multi-disciplinary approach, this volume studies the management and settlement of conflict and disputes in East Asia. Conflict and disputes exist everywhere in human society. The management and settlement of them has become an imperative. This volume is a significant contribution to a broader understanding of the complexities involved in managing and settling disputes and conflicts at regional, inter-state and intra-state levels in the East Asian region. Drawing on expertise in Peace and Conflict, International Relations, and International Law the volume presents to the reader a general picture of how conflict can be managed at the international and regional levels through various mechanisms, in particular, through prominent regional organizations such as ASEAN. It then moves on to case studies at the regional level including inter-state and intra-state conflicts and disputes. The last part of the volume highlights how states resolve their maritime disputes. This has drawn much attention from the international community due to various factors such as the increasing demand for natural resources from the oceans. These disputes disrupt the smooth development of international relations as well as trigger tensions and confrontation between states.
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