Durante más de 25 años este libro, originalmente publicado por Concordia Seminary Press en 1982, ha provisto un recurso auténticamente cristiano que ha ayudado a enriquecer la consejería pastoral y profundizar el ministerio de la reconciliación. Koehler entreteje las diferentes capas que existen en las relaciones entre la psicología, la consejería pastoral, y la teología de la confesión y absolución individual, encendiendo una conversación que con el tiempo se ha expandido. La introducción del Dr. Rick Marrs subraya los nuevos desarrollos que se han dado en esa conversación, trayendo una vez más a la vida esta obra clásica.
For more than 25 years this book, originally published by Concordia Seminary Press in 1982, has served as an authentically Christian resource that has helped to enrich the field of pastoral counseling and deepen its ministry of reconciliation. Koehler unpacks the interconnectedness of psychology, pastoral counseling, and the theology of private confession and absolution, sparking a lingering dialogue. The introduction by Dr. Rick Marrs underscores developments that have only recently made their way into the conversation, lending undeniable relevance to this classic work.
For more than 25 years this book, originally published by Concordia Seminary Press in 1982, has served as an authentically Christian resource that has helped to enrich the field of pastoral counseling and deepen its ministry of reconciliation. Koehler unpacks the interconnectedness of psychology, pastoral counseling, and the theology of private confession and absolution, sparking a lingering dialogue. The introduction by Dr. Rick Marrs underscores developments that have only recently made their way into the conversation, lending undeniable relevance to this classic work.