El emperador perjuro
A finales del siglo XV, la iglesia católica se hallaba sumida en una profundísima crisis. Dos papas se disputaban desde hacía décadas la legitimidad pontificia mientras el clero se mantenía hundido en un marasmo de corrupción y simonía. Frente a tan pavorosa situación se alzó la voz del reformador Jan Huss, un amante de las Escrituras cuya vida dependía de que el emperador mantuviera un juramento.
The Emperor Who Committed Perjury
Towards the end of the 15th century, the Catholic Church found itself submerged in deep controversy. Two popes had fought for decades over who was the legitimate pontificate, while the clergy was mired in corruption and simony. In the midst of this appalling situation, the voice of Jan Huss rose up. Reformer and lover of Scripture, his life depended on whether or not the emperor kept his oath.
A finales del siglo XV, la iglesia católica se hallaba sumida en una profundísima crisis. Dos papas se disputaban desde hacía décadas la legitimidad pontificia mientras el clero se mantenía hundido en un marasmo de corrupción y simonía. Frente a tan pavorosa situación se alzó la voz del reformador Jan Huss, un amante de las Escrituras cuya vida dependía de que el emperador mantuviera un juramento.
The Emperor Who Committed Perjury
Towards the end of the 15th century, the Catholic Church found itself submerged in deep controversy. Two popes had fought for decades over who was the legitimate pontificate, while the clergy was mired in corruption and simony. In the midst of this appalling situation, the voice of Jan Huss rose up. Reformer and lover of Scripture, his life depended on whether or not the emperor kept his oath.