El Faro del Fin del Mundo, es una novela de aventuras publicada poco después de la muerte de Julio Verne. En ella se narra la toma de un faro por un grupo de piratas en una isla austral de la Argentina, y las peripecias de Vasquez, el héroe de la novela para salvar su vida y vencer a los piratas. Esta historia fue usada como base para una película de Hollywood con Kirk Douglas y Yul Brynner.
The Lighthouse at The End of the World is an adventure published shortly after Jules Verne’s death. It tells the story of the taking of a lighthouse by a group of pirates in an Austral island of Argentina, and the actions taken by Vasquez, the hero of the story, to save his life and beat the pirates. A Hollywood movie with Kirk Douglas and Yul Brynner was based on this story
The Lighthouse at The End of the World is an adventure published shortly after Jules Verne’s death. It tells the story of the taking of a lighthouse by a group of pirates in an Austral island of Argentina, and the actions taken by Vasquez, the hero of the story, to save his life and beat the pirates. A Hollywood movie with Kirk Douglas and Yul Brynner was based on this story