Sin saber cómo, un hombre se ve envuelto en un debate con un extraño personaje que asegura ser Dios. El tema del debate es fascinante: ¿existe Dios?
El encuentro tiene lugar en una biblioteca borgiana que parece no tener fin. Los dos personajes defienden sus posturas con aguerrida convicción. El escéptico se dirige con picante irreverencia a su interlocutor quien, con paciencia infinita, insiste en asegurarle que habla con el Creador.
23 páginas.
Not knowing how, a man sees himself involved in a debate with some strange character who claims to be God. The subject of such debate is fascinating: does God exists?
The encounter takes place in a borgesian library that seems endless. Both characters stand their stances with hardened conviction. The skeptic expresses himself with sassy irreverence as his interlocutor, with infinite patience, insists on his claim that he's addressing the Lord.
23 pages (Spanish)
El encuentro tiene lugar en una biblioteca borgiana que parece no tener fin. Los dos personajes defienden sus posturas con aguerrida convicción. El escéptico se dirige con picante irreverencia a su interlocutor quien, con paciencia infinita, insiste en asegurarle que habla con el Creador.
23 páginas.
Not knowing how, a man sees himself involved in a debate with some strange character who claims to be God. The subject of such debate is fascinating: does God exists?
The encounter takes place in a borgesian library that seems endless. Both characters stand their stances with hardened conviction. The skeptic expresses himself with sassy irreverence as his interlocutor, with infinite patience, insists on his claim that he's addressing the Lord.
23 pages (Spanish)