Bienvenidos al mundo de las funciones ejecutivas. A continuación os presentamos un entrenamiento en las funciones ejecutivas útiles para nuestra vida diaria. Es un método muy fácil. Hemos creado distintos ejercicios para trabajar cada una de las funciones ejecutivas por separado. Y las hemos dividido en distintos cuadernos, que puedes trabajar. Cada cuaderno contiene varios ejercicios, dependiendo de la función escogida. Y cada ejercicio puede contener varias fichas. Hay ejercicios que se deben trabajar durante varios días (por ejemplo: durante una semana, 7 días) y otras que se deben realizar sólo para un día. Cada día debes realizar la ficha que te toca. Los ejercicios y sus fichas tienen un orden, por lo que es major que lo sigas. Cada ejercicio lo especifica y lo explica. Los ejercicios están numerados de la siguiente manera: Ejercicio A; Ejercicio B; Ejercicio C... Y cada ficha con un número: Ficha 1; Ficha 2;...; Ficha 29... Habrá tantas fichas como días tienes que trabajar. No empieces la siguiente ficha sin antes terminar la ficha anterior. Para conseguir buenos resultados, el trabajo debe ser diario. Y recuerda, la constancia y la perseverancia van a ser tus mejores aliados.
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Welcome to the world of Executive Functions. On the following pages we introduce you to an intensive training of the executive functions that are indispensable to our daily life. The idea is very easy. We have created different worksheets for every executive function. And we have divided them on different exercises books. Every exercise book has a different number of worksheets, depending on the task. There are tasks that demand you more than one day to achieve them, and others only one day. Everything is specified on the indications. The idea is to work everyday, one exercise per day. It’s very important to follow the order of the worksheets. So every exercise book will take you among one month (or maybe a bit more) to complete it. To achieve results you must work daily. And remember, Practise makes you better.
If you are interested on more information, don’t hesitate to check out our webside: o
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Welcome to the world of Executive Functions. On the following pages we introduce you to an intensive training of the executive functions that are indispensable to our daily life. The idea is very easy. We have created different worksheets for every executive function. And we have divided them on different exercises books. Every exercise book has a different number of worksheets, depending on the task. There are tasks that demand you more than one day to achieve them, and others only one day. Everything is specified on the indications. The idea is to work everyday, one exercise per day. It’s very important to follow the order of the worksheets. So every exercise book will take you among one month (or maybe a bit more) to complete it. To achieve results you must work daily. And remember, Practise makes you better.
If you are interested on more information, don’t hesitate to check out our webside: o