Searching the internet and various trading forums, you will find that a majority of articles posted about investing involve strategies for people who have a great deal of money saved up already. These articles talk about diversification, asset allocation, and investing for the long-term. Few of them rarely discuss how you get to that point or what you should do just starting out. These post assume you have already saved up a miniature nest egg and want to start putting that money to work. What about the investor who doesn’t have a great deal of capital? What about someone who wants to start learning more about investing but doesn’t know where to start?
My name is Nick Ross and I quit my 9-5 job as a stock broker to trade in the market full-time. Before writing this eBook, I sat down and ask myself, “If I only had $500 to invest, what would I do?” I have taken my knowledge from being a stock broker and an experienced trader to provide you with 3 strategies to maximize your returns depending on your risk tolerance. The time to invest is now!
My name is Nick Ross and I quit my 9-5 job as a stock broker to trade in the market full-time. Before writing this eBook, I sat down and ask myself, “If I only had $500 to invest, what would I do?” I have taken my knowledge from being a stock broker and an experienced trader to provide you with 3 strategies to maximize your returns depending on your risk tolerance. The time to invest is now!