THIS BOOK IS ABOUT THE TEACHINGS OF ISLAM FROM IT’S HOLY BOOK THE QURAN. This book contains the biography of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). The Quran is the holy book of Islam and it’s the main source of information about Islam. Quran is the final revelation of God and according to Islam the Quran is a book of guidance and mercy for humanity. The Quran contains the message of Islam and it gives the code for Muslims on how to live life on earth. This book is about the teachings of the holy book of Islam known as Quran or Koran. It’s about the similarities and differences of Islam, Christianity & Judaism. This book explains the definition of God in Islam. It also explains so many verses of the Quran. It explains their deeper meanings and why Muslims believe Quran is the last final revelation of God which Muhammad received through angel Gabriel from God. So whether people like or hate Islam this book will help people understand the teachings of Islam from its holy book the Quran.
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