Martín Lutero amaba el salterio. Esto es claro en sus cortas introducciones que ofrecen al lector un mejor entendimiento de la teología y vida de oración de Lutero. El reformador consideraba el salterio como un modelo de oración cristocéntrico. Lutero clasifica cada uno de los 150 salmos y aplica el mensaje del texto a la vida del creyente. Incluye un cronograma para la lectura de todos los salmos. Versión bíblica de la NVI.
Martin Luther loved the Psalter. This is clear in his short introductions to the psalms as he allows readers a glimpse into his theology and prayer life. Luther’s writings demonstrate how he saw the Psalter as a Christ-centered model for Christian Prayer. He classifies each of the 150 psalms and applies the message of the text to the life lived under the cross. Also includes a suggested schedule for reading the Psalter. Text from the NIV Bible.
Martin Luther loved the Psalter. This is clear in his short introductions to the psalms as he allows readers a glimpse into his theology and prayer life. Luther’s writings demonstrate how he saw the Psalter as a Christ-centered model for Christian Prayer. He classifies each of the 150 psalms and applies the message of the text to the life lived under the cross. Also includes a suggested schedule for reading the Psalter. Text from the NIV Bible.