"Lu Xun's novels": classical articles is one of series of "classical articles" about Lu Xun's stories. It includes: Call to Arms, Diary of a Madman, Kong Yiji, Medicine, Tomorrow, An Unimportant Affair, The Story of Hair, A Passing Storm, Hometown, The true story of Ah-Q, Dragonboat Festival, The White Light, Some Rabbits and a Cat, A Comedy of Ducks, Village Opera, Wandering, The New Year's Sacrifice, Upstairs in a Wineshop, A Happy Family, Soap, The Eternal Lamp, A Warning to the People, The Venerable Schoolmaster Gao, The Loner, Sadness, Brothers, Divorce, Old Tales Retold, Preface, Mend Heaven, A Flight to the Moon, Curbing the Flood, Gathering Vetch, Forging the Swords, Leaving the Pass, Opposing Aggression, Resurrect the Dead, Set outside the set, Reminiscences and the other details.
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