It is the year 2025. An exclusive, independent group of supernatural beings has guided humanity to ten years of unprecedented peace and prosperity. This loosely-knit organization, known as The Wormhole Guardians, faces a new threat now that mankind is expanding out toward the stars and beyond the reach of their special powers.
William York, a ruthless elitist who somehow managed to evade the guardians' influence, has begun to terraform the planet Mars in order to rebuild his family's lost empire. Max and Kira lead the charge to stop him in an effort to maintain their control over humanity's progress, which York threatens to disrupt. Will this mission be mere child's play, or is there another, more sinister force aiding York in his ambitions?
William York, a ruthless elitist who somehow managed to evade the guardians' influence, has begun to terraform the planet Mars in order to rebuild his family's lost empire. Max and Kira lead the charge to stop him in an effort to maintain their control over humanity's progress, which York threatens to disrupt. Will this mission be mere child's play, or is there another, more sinister force aiding York in his ambitions?