Las hazanas del correo del zar. Entre los numerosos libros de aventuras de Julio Verne (1828-1905) uno de los mas emocionantes, por la cantidad de peripecias que ocurren, esta la celebre obra "Miguel Strogoff", la historia de un correo del zar que tiene que llevar un mensaje de gran importancia a una guarnicion sitiada por los tartaros, instigados por un traidor. La gran imaginacion de Verne logra que episodio tras episodio cautive el interes sin que este decaiga por un momento. Por esta razon, esta novela ha sido siempre una de las preferidas de Verne y ha sido llevada al cine en numerosas ocasiones. El efectismo logrado por Verne, quien aunque nunca visito Rusia da gran autenticidad a la narracion, esta reflejado en esta edicion.
The adventures of the czar's courier: This is one of the most exciting books by Julio Verne, because of the amount of incidents that take place. "Michael Strogoff", is the story of a courier of the czar who must bring a message of great importance to a garrison surrounded by the Tartars, who have the help of a traitor. Verne's great imagination achieves in each chapter interest that does not decline for a moment. Because of this, this novel has always been Verne's most popular one and has been filmed many times. The realistic effect achieved by Verne, who never visited Russia, gives great truth to the story and is well reflected in this edition.
Note: This E book is in Spanish.
The adventures of the czar's courier: This is one of the most exciting books by Julio Verne, because of the amount of incidents that take place. "Michael Strogoff", is the story of a courier of the czar who must bring a message of great importance to a garrison surrounded by the Tartars, who have the help of a traitor. Verne's great imagination achieves in each chapter interest that does not decline for a moment. Because of this, this novel has always been Verne's most popular one and has been filmed many times. The realistic effect achieved by Verne, who never visited Russia, gives great truth to the story and is well reflected in this edition.
Note: This E book is in Spanish.