Esta contribución presenta una propuesta de código de ética para intérpretes en servicios públicos (ISP) en España. El objetivo principal es resumir los documentos éticos más visibles en el campo y condensar el contenido en una propuesta que pueda servir para aunar los distintos puntos de vista y ámbitos de trabajo dentro de la ISP, para que se pueda utilizar por parte de todos los agentes como una herramienta de evaluación y mejora de la calidad. Los primeros apartados aportan contexto sobre esta contribución y sobre la práctica de la ISP. La parte central del presente texto está estructurada alrededor de valores éticos, que quedan reflejados en principios y objetivos éticos, y articulados en pautas de actuación específicas. En la parte final se incluyen varios anexos en los que se aporta: un resumen las características más relevantes de los diversos ámbitos y modalidades de la ISP, una propuesta de proceso para la toma de decisiones y un glosario de términos.
This contribution presents a proposal for a code of ethics for public service interpreters (PSI) in Spain. Its main objective is to summarise the most visible ethical documents in the field and to condense their content into one proposal that may serve the purpose of uniting the various viewpoints and domains within the scope of PSI work, so it can be used by all stakeholders in the field as a quality assessment and enhancement tool. The first sections provide a context to this proposal and to the practice of PSI. The central part of this text is structured around ethical values that are reflected in ethical principles and objectives, and articulated in specific guidelines. The final section includes several annexes on the following: a summary of the most relevant characteristics of the various PSI domains and modalities, an ethical decision-making process proposal and a glossary of terms.
This contribution presents a proposal for a code of ethics for public service interpreters (PSI) in Spain. Its main objective is to summarise the most visible ethical documents in the field and to condense their content into one proposal that may serve the purpose of uniting the various viewpoints and domains within the scope of PSI work, so it can be used by all stakeholders in the field as a quality assessment and enhancement tool. The first sections provide a context to this proposal and to the practice of PSI. The central part of this text is structured around ethical values that are reflected in ethical principles and objectives, and articulated in specific guidelines. The final section includes several annexes on the following: a summary of the most relevant characteristics of the various PSI domains and modalities, an ethical decision-making process proposal and a glossary of terms.