The twentieth century brought tremendous advances through scientific research and its technological applications. Science also will have a key role in the development of countries in the XXI century. The universe originated in the Big Bang; the starting material was only hydrogen and helium. Then the stars formed and in them, the more complex chemical elements such as carbon, oxygen, calcium and iron. The final explosion of some stars, a phenomenon called supernova, is the main mechanism of chemical enrichment of the universe and thus the basis for the formation of the sun, planets, life on earth and us human beings. If our genetic blueprint can be traced today to Africa, the atoms that compose the DNA can be traced to a supernova, our cosmic mother. Astronomers Mario Hamuy and José Maza Hamuy show, in a clear and entertaining way, the fascinating phenomenon of the explosion that marks the death of a star. They have investigated supernovae for three decades and have made fundamental contributions for their use as distance indicators.
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