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    The Love that Made Saint Teresa:  Secret visions, dark nights…

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    The Love that Made Saint Teresa:  Secret visions, dark nights and the path to sainthood

    Por David Scott

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    Part biography, part spiritual reading, this beautifully written book brings to light little-known stories from the extraordinary life of Saint Teresa of Calcutta.

    Here you will meet the woman who challenged the ancient Goddess of Death to become the first saint of our global village. You will learn of the remarkable mystical visions that led her to start the Missionaries of Charity. You will read, in lines drawn from her secret letters, about her long dark night of the soul. And you will discover the infinite love that enabled her to shine through the clouds of despair and suffering that she encountered as she gave herself to God’s work.

    Let Saint Teresa be your guide, as through this book she shows how you too can receive and radiate the love of Christ in the ordinary events of your life.
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