Un Viaje es una sátira, una historia corta en la que se confunden las tradiciones del siglo IXX, con la burla educada de un escritor que vivió estas mismas tradiciones. Es uno de los mayores ejemplos del Costumbrismo Latino Americano. Su personaje principal el niño Goyito, es sinónimo de persona acomodada, incluso hoy.
A trip is a satire, a short story where IXX century traditions mingle with the educated mockery of a writer who lived these same traditions. It is one of the major examples of Costumbrismo in Latin America. His main character, niño Goyito, is synonym of a well-to-do person, even today.
A trip is a satire, a short story where IXX century traditions mingle with the educated mockery of a writer who lived these same traditions. It is one of the major examples of Costumbrismo in Latin America. His main character, niño Goyito, is synonym of a well-to-do person, even today.