Now that Pamela has turned 18, the couple that have fostered her since 15 require her to seek employment. Before she departs however Mr Rumpole takes it upon himself to intimately inspect the young woman for who he has harboured a particularly lascivious desire. Naive in the ways of the flesh, Pamela soon loses herself in the dizzying heights of exctasy.
When all her assets are fully explored, she is left with a wanton urge to pass on her training to everyone she becomes so acquainted, man, woman, young, and old alike. In her new position as Governess, this libertine will also find new satisfaction in applying the birch and rod to her mischievous charges.
Written anonymously in 1895 and in the same graphically licentious vein as 'Flossie' and 'First Training', 'Venus in the Country' is a deliciously fine example of Victorian erotica.
When all her assets are fully explored, she is left with a wanton urge to pass on her training to everyone she becomes so acquainted, man, woman, young, and old alike. In her new position as Governess, this libertine will also find new satisfaction in applying the birch and rod to her mischievous charges.
Written anonymously in 1895 and in the same graphically licentious vein as 'Flossie' and 'First Training', 'Venus in the Country' is a deliciously fine example of Victorian erotica.